Living the Spiritual Life

What I see mostly on these Social Media sites is one political opinion after another. These do nothing but frustrate and do nothing to help quantify your life. So I thought I would share my life experience and hopefully, it will help some of you.

So I have spent a great deal of time studying The Spiritual life of various cultures around the world and there is a common thread through all of them. That being the Creator. I have come to a place in my mind about the Truth of him and where exactly is this Great Spirit who in reality does very little to preserve and guide life. IE. Your story, my story, other people's struggle through life, and the most concerning issue are millions of babies' lives cut short through abortion. People who do this are Murderers, where is your Loving GOD through all this?

Does not make sense unless one looks closely at our Higher Self which resides just above us but outside our body. Now here's the mystery, why do miracles happen to some people and not others? Why as we go farther into the future we see fewer and fewer miracles and wonderful healing stories? Conclusion! Selfish Self-serving religions tell you you're a sinner at birth and if you're of one religion or another but not theirs you're the devil's helper. What this does is Shut you down as someone who believes in themselves so wholeheartedly that a miracle could never happen.

So I have studied Shamanism, Buddhism, HUNA - Hawaiian Native Spiritual Tradition, and Native American Spirituality and in all of these systems, they are not taught that you are with sin, that the only way you can help yourself is to pray to an invisible GOD who resides above you but out of reach. What you are taught is to be kind to yourself and all other life forms on this planet. You are taught to help others as much as you can and to know that all Life is precious. You also are taught HOW to Help Yourself.

There is NO Jesus Christ that’s coming back to take you away from all this. This should be apparent after thousands of years of absence if even He truly existed at all. All this does is deceive and hold you in the absence of life.

You and I and many other folks are Warriors and we have been given difficult lives for various reasons. Some Karma for things we have done in past lives, things in this life that are hard to bear through no fault of our own. ( IE chosen a mate who does not fit, or ungrateful children who it was questionable at best to have had them in the first place.)

We can be our own worst enemies because we are taught to be needy. It is through all this that I have concluded the most sensible opinion that within each of us is the Creator. HE resides within each one of us. HE is also within every life form on the planet. If that statement causes you to rebel, then you might want to check your EGO at the door. Humans are NOT the End All.

If you study HUNA at some point you will be taught that there are Three Selves. One of those selves is the Aumakua who is the higher self or Creator. I believe this is the answer to that question of where is the Creator? He's right there beside you as a part of you. Of course, all religions will go crazy if you announce this to them. The only way they can hold sway over you is to make you think you're unworthy and scare the shit out of you with a pronouncement of going to Hell if you don't follow them. How can any reasonable person even validate a religion that promises you martyr-ism and 73 virgins if you simply go and kill as many people as you can? How stupid do you have to be, don’t the 73 Virgins have a say in this?

We use only 10% of our Brains normally, at times we use much more and at those times we see miracles appear. So I have given you a lot to process and I only hope it's not too much. But believe this, all your troubles were given you so that you could grow, not to defeat you. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

Waatowa Pistoto,

Two Feathers - Elder
AKA - Grant Redhawk
Kainaiwa - Blackfoot Nation

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