Oki Niksokowa (relatives)
I am sure by now you have seen by my posts that there seems
to be an inordinate level of anger focused upon the Democratic Party which needs
a bit of explanation. I am a Blackfoot Native American who has seen this party
tear down our people and keep them enslaved with false promises and token payments
keeping them on the edge of desperation for decades, yet not so hungry that they
will be motivated to get off their butts and rid themselves of the repressiveness
of a government bent on genocide one way or another, preferably self-imposed. Do
any of you remember the story of Wounded Knee or the Trail of Tears? How about Sand Creek Massacre? My people are
blind to what is being done to them and what they themselves are doing to
themselves because of blindness and being so close to the problem that they don’t
see it for what it is. Does this make me angry? You bet it does.
We elected this president who promised he would lead us out
of this type of situation and has totally reneged on all his promises not only
to us Native American people but to Black and Whites and all in between. He has
failed to release Leonard Peltier who has been in prison for something that has
not yet been proven – for 13347 days (36.5
yrs.) and counting and who will most likely die in prison for something he
likely did not do. Does this make me angry? You bet it does.
His Democratically run Senate headed by Dingy Harry who
makes unfounded accusations that border on the level of retardation against
Mitt Romney instead of passing a budget which it has failed to do for 3 ½ years.
Can any of you remember anytime this was done before? Democrats allow their president Mafia like
control and kowtow to him like he was the Boss of Bosses. Chicago style Mob
leadership. You see where that got their last Chicago mayor! Chicago has twice
the murder rate of Mexico City! These are your Democratic leaders. Does this
make me angry? You bet it does.
I am 66 years old and began my adult life as a Democrat in
the Kennedy days when John Kennedy stated, “Ask not what your country can do
for you, but instead ask what you can do for your country!” I heard that speech
and it has stuck with me all my life. When the Democratic Party sunk to the abyss
of “asking their country what it could do for them” and leaving off “what can I do for my country!” I left the party. Their principles are no longer
a process I can be proud of.
The custom of my tribe deems that as soon as one reaches the
age of 55 years a person is considered Grandfathers or Grandmothers and are
deemed people of wisdom. There is a deep responsibility that comes with that designation,
one which I do not take lightly. The first is to always react to society with
the principles of Honesty, Honor, Courage, and Sincerity, Compassion, Duty and
Loyalty. We become the leaders and teachers of those who come after us. That I
do not take lightly.
You can probably determine I am not a pacifist as defined by
a culture gone mad with a definition of a term they do not understand! Do I
beat on every person who disagrees with me? Of course not but I also do not lie
down and ask them to walk all over my principles either. I look at life fairly
simply, if you are a good person then it will be apparent by your actions, if you’re
not that will be apparent by how much you run your mouth without anything
intelligent coming out.
What makes me very angry is the absolute stupidity that some
of my fellow citizens display with their abject, compulsive loyalty to a
president who is NOT their friend. Is never going to be their friend and is so egotistical
that he views all of you as little people who are ignorant and cannot survive
without his interference! Really? Is that true? Are you so helpless you cannot
survive on your own? Somehow some people think he is going change his stripes mid-stream
and become their savior – NOT! What does it take to make an intelligent person
out of an apparent moron? All I know at this point is Shock therapy. Thus my
comments on Facebook and Blog! Reason does not work as I do not see the results
of reason and the changes that must take place for reason to prevail. Reason
comes only to those who embrace real Change for the betterment of their culture,
not for themselves. If you cannot change then don’t get in the way of it. Life
is Change.
To me there is no way in hell there should be as many
supporters of Barak Obama as is being reported if you’re paying attention. If you’re
not paying attention, please give up your citizenship and move somewhere it
doesn’t matter how you behave, act or think! I for one do not want to be
wasting my time in any more anger but I somehow think this is going to go on till
either I die or a responsible president replaces the moron now in power and
reason takes precedence! Aho
Waatowa Pistoto,
Two Feathers