What Does the Vision Quest Mean to Me?
Oki Niksokowa,
When I was asked to give my interpretation of what a Vision Quest meant to me I was floored. What could I write that has not already been written and by more talented authors than myself? I would love to be original in what I write but today how original can one be? So I don't know what to say but I do have some unique and from what I have read around the earth as yet unsaid ideas about what a vision quest is.
To most a Vision Quest means long preparation, getting in the 'Zone', becoming one with Creator and prepare for a long journey into the mountains with nothing but a blanket and a pipe! Becoming prepared to go without food and water for up to four days or more depending upon the traditions of your people. You begin to realize that you and your people have strayed so far afield that you have no more traditions to follow! Then the panic begins: What have we lost, where have my people even gone, who can I depend upon for instructions, support, guidance and strength? We look high and low in the library, on the internet even in the faces that we pass on the street. "Oh great Creator what has happened to us, I am frightened and I do not believe I will be able to go on this Quest that you have clearly put in my mind to accomplish before I pass on to the waiting Sand Hills beyond the beyond!" "What will become of me? How will I be perceived and who will do the perceiving?" Then it is that we realize that we have no one qualified to perceive us in a teaching way. There is no one there to provide that much needed guidance that true Human Beings need to become beyond themselves. Why do I feel so alone and useless? What can I pass on to life that comes after me? Are we as a species truly lost and waiting for the annihilation to begin?
Then I hear my father "Two Feathers" come through to me in my spirit and say all problems can be solved – there is no question without an answer. It is up to you my son to hear and believe the answer no matter how discordant it may sound. You know many things and yet you know nothing and that is why you allow me and your grandfather Fools Crow to come and guide you. At 64 you know you are too unhealthy to go out into the mountains and sit alone! You will surely die from such an experience and yet you need to connect to the High Spirits now for guidance in the things you are yet unsure of. Time to change, Two Feathers and become a man once more. Time to realize that there are many ways to solve a problem and a Vision Quest is no different. Realize too that in the instructions we give you will remove the barriers of the Holy Mountains and distance. They are where you are. You can take the stresses of no food and water into your spirit and manufacture them at will with your mind. Remember all these practices are a way for you to separate yourself from this society you have been subjected to so that you can truly SEE reality. You can train yourself to reach a state of separation at will so that you will hear voices in other tongues, and the cries of the helpless in other lands, and the voice of the Eagle as he becomes one with you! You will hear the questions and the answers at the same time; you will know the coming of the future, and the pain in the hearts of those that seem to have no pain or disharmony. You will also know the solution to those cries of anguish that the people feel for the Earth and the grandfather Sun and the continued fear injected into them by a society that is as afraid as your brothers and sisters. You can be that place of guidance, solace, understanding and love – all you need to do is do it!
No, you do not necessarily need to Vision to find the answers to your life. You just need to "Show Up, and be Present" If you can prepare physically and mentally to go out on that Mountain and if you have the proper support mechanisms in place to assure your safety, then do so, but do not let obstacles get in your way. Always remember you have a WAY………………..
Long road winding
began in the stars
spilled to the mountain tops
carried in the snow
to the streams
to the rivers
to the ocean
it covers Canada
to Guatemala
and keeps winding
around the indigenous
The Red Road
is a circle
of People standing
hand in hand
People in this world
People between
People in the Spirit world
Star People
Animal People
Stone People
River People
Tree People
The Sacred Hoop
To walk the Red Road
is to know sacrifice
It is to understand Humility
It is the ability
to stand naked before God
in all things
for your wrong doings
for your lack of strength
for your discompasionate way
for your arrogance
because to walk the Red Road
you always know
you can do better.
And you know
when you do good things
it is through Creator
and you are grateful.
To walk the Red Road
is to know
you stand on equal ground
with all living things
It is to know that
because you were born human
gives you superiority over nothing.
It is to know that
every creation carries a spirit
and the river knows more than you do
the mountains know more than you do
The stone people know more than you do
the trees know more than you do
The wind is wiser than you are
animal people carry wisdom
You can learn from every one of them
because they have something
you don't
They are void of evil thoughts.
They wish vengeance on no one
they seek Justice.
To Walk the Red Road
you have God given rights
you have the right to pray
you have the right to dance
you have the right to think
you have the right to protect
you have the right to know Mother
you have the right to dream
you have the right to vision
you have the right to teach
you have the right to learn
you have a right to grieve
you have a right to happiness
you have the right
to fix the wrongs
you have the right to truth
you have a right to the Spirit World.
To Walk the Red Road
is to know your Ancestors
to call to them for assistance
It is to know that there is good medicine
and there is bad medicine
It is to know that Evil exists
but is cowardly as it is often in disguise.
It is to know there are evil spirits
who are in constant watch
for a way
to gain strength
for themselves
at the expense
of you.
To Walk the Red Road
you have less fear at being wrong
because you know
that life is a journey
a continuous circle
a sacred hoop
mistakes will be made
mistakes can be corrected
if you will
be humble
for if you cannot be humble
you will never know
when you have made a mistake.
If you walk the Red Road
you know that every sorrow
leads to a better understanding
every horror cannot be explained
but can offer growth.
To Walk the Red Road
is to look for beauty
in all things.
To Walk the Red Road
is to know
you will one day
cross to the Spirit World
and you will be
not afraid
Copyright Bloodpoet/2001
May your Walk on the Red Road
be one of courage
for it takes a strong person
to learn and grow in The Creator
A person of Bravery
will seek Justice for all living things
with a steady ~ compassionate hand
May you never be afraid
to speak your truth
and may you
'sing your death song
like a Warrior going home'
as you
'are recognized in the Spirit World'