A Talk of Elders - A Loss of the Sacred
By Grant Redhawk – AKA Two Feathers Oki Ni-Kso-Ko-Wa, Today we embark on a new and broad category of study. In a Talk of Elders lies a multitude of learning opportunities from knowledge available to all of us. I must say very early on that I am only a channel (I use that term very loosely), of that wisdom, not the wisdom keeper. I only Wish I knew how to integrate all that is taught to me in my practical life. If I did I would be so peaceful, I would have no need to strike these keys :) I must confess that I am like my Spirit friend the Red-tail, only a messenger. Contents What I hope to accomplish is a short, bite size insight of how much we are interconnected with all other beings of this universe. I hope to give you insights as to how much we really are responsible for each other. To show you the sacredness of your own path, and how to recognize the sacredness of all other beings. How to integrate that sacredness back into a sadly...