
Showing posts from December, 2014

Buffalo Field Campaign Weekly Update from the Field 12/18/14

Buffalo Field Campaign Weekly Update from the Field 12/18/14     Weekly Update from the Field December 18, 2014 Home > Updates from the Field > Updates from the Field 2014/2015 Subscribe to our email list and receive our weekly Update from the Field Bison Threatened, Bighorn Dying in Gardiner Basin‏ * Update from the Field * TAKE ACTION! Support ESA Listing for Wild Bison * VIDEO: BFC Volunteer of the Week: Clarence Gilmer II * 2015 Wild Bison Calendars ~ Get Yours for the Coming New Year! * VOLUNTEER! Seeking Buffalo Warriors for This Field Season * By the Numbers * Last Words of Buffalo Inspiration ~ Chris Barns, BLM Wilderness Specialist * Update from the Field Buffalo Field Campaign photo by Kim Acheson. Click photo for larger image. Another bull buffalo was killed by a Montana hunter this week, bringing the total to five. One by one the buffalo migrate across Yellowstone's boundary, and one by one they are killed. Once again, there is not a single ...

The Identity Imperative by Serge Kahili King

As I watch from afar the inane antics taking place in Ferguson, Mo I am struck by how ignorant and fruitless the effort to destroy has become. These otherwise intelligent Black people who  have hearts and souls can let themselves become so out of control is a source of wonder to me that I have a hard time understanding.  They have done more to set themselves back into a 1950's mentality and environment in this one act of oppressive violence and that it is condoned by so called self-proclaimed moral leaders of their race  than any other act they have done in the last 100 years. Being from a minority race I find myself wondering what would cause this reaction in one race that doesn't necessarily happen in another. I know Black people to be kind and decent folk most of the time and what I believe is one way of viewing this is that the Black people are not at a geographic advantage. They do not have a sense of place like Native Americans do because they are not on their o...